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Jun 5, 2009

Nexus CC All-Night LAN

Posted by jøn

Mana Energy Potions is excited to be sponsoring the monthly all-night LAN party at Nexus Games Center in Modesto, CA this Saturday. Mana and Health will be present at each of the gaming stations, providing energy for those who will need to be alert into the late hours of the night.

For more information about Nexus, check out their website! If you want us at your next event, send us an email at

Also, in other gaming news for the weekend:

I am hooked on the game Left 4 Dead and tired of having teammates leaving me for dead. (I was at E3 and got to see the Left 4 Dead 2 demo...which looks AWESOME)

If you have an XBox 360, Left 4 Dead, and a mic, I want to be in your party. Add "jbrence" to your Live list, and if you see me on, invite me to a game. Time to killah some zombies(infected)!