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Jun 26, 2009

Top 20 "Retro" Games: Pt 1

Posted by jøn

We here at Mana love video games. We especially love reminiscing about the video games that absorbed our childhood, inspired our work, and changed our lives. (We like to think that it was for the better)

So to honor the games that we played more hours than we can count (besides Donkey Kong), we have compiled this two part list. We made any game up through Fourth Generation consoles fair grabs. Here is our first 10 of 20:

1. Tetris - Multiple Consoles
2. Super Mario Land - Game Boy
3. RC Pro AM - NES
4. Rescue Raiders - Apple 2
5. Altered Beast - Sega MegaDrive/Genesis
6. Chrono Trigger - SNES
7. Double Dragon - NES
8. EarthBound - SNES
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Arcade
10. Magician Lord - Neo Geo

On a side note, I finally got my hands on this gem. WOOT.


Tommy JJ said...

I love Earthbound! Great list!